Engineering Project
Uses on Animals When we think about the applications of genetic engineering on animals the first thing that come up in our minds are clones (including human clones), but it's much more than that. The polemic about clones started 1997 with the creation of Dolly, a sheep which was the first mammal clone obtained from an adult cell (the clones created before were obtained from an embryo). Some months later the Institute Roslin, that crated Dolly, created Polly a sheep that has human genes. The objective of this new technique is the creation of animals that produce helpful substances for medical treatments. Another transgenic animal potentially helpful is the "humanized pig", which would be able to donate blood, insulin and organs for transplants in people.
The successful creation of Dolly showed that there are no more practical barriers to create human clones. Many scientists have already announced plans to clone humans. However, cloning mammals is something really hard to do, with actual technology only one in two hundred embryos cloned survives. There are also ethical and legal problems that will postpone the creation of the first human clone, but we can be sure that it will come. Scientists are also trying to find the cure of some diseases by modifying the person genes. The first patient treated through this method was a four year-old American girl, who had a serious immune deficiency disease caused by a defect in a gene. After the treatment the girl had a normal childhood, it made doctors think that they would be quickly able to cure lots of diseases changing imperfect genes by healthy ones. The following experiments failed, however the researches are going on. Nowadays more than 2500 patients have a modified gene and there are more than 250 researches around the world. Doctors expect to find the cure of 15 kinds of cancer through this treatment. In the movie Jurassic Park genetic engineering was used to re-create dinosaurs and prehistoric plants. Until now it isn't possible to create dinosaurs, however scientists are starting working in something really close: the clone of a mammoth (a kind of prehistoric elephant), which was dead about 27 thousand years ago. The body of this male mamooth was found frozen in Siberia and it's almost intact, scientists want to extract the nucleus of an intact cell and introduce it in an elephant egg. If it works we will be able to learn a lot through the habits of this prehistoric animal. In the future genetic engineering is expected to be able to create babies accordingly to parents wishes. Genes influence under people's personality is indisputable. For instance, scientists have already found even the gene responsible for happiness, in unhappy people this gene is shorter than in happy ones. |