Engineering Project
Uses on plants Through genetic engineering scientists main objective is enhancing plants, creating new varieties with benefic traits. In other words scientists want to create stronger plants, which would be naturally protected against insects, diseases and more resistant to herbicides. Accordingly to the companies which develop and cultivate transgenic food, like Monsanto, there are lots of benefits in this kind of food. Plants protected against fungal and viral diseases, which can devastate the yield, minimize the economic loss resulting from those diseases. In addition to this, many farmers fight against viral plant diseases by controlling insect pests that carry the disease. Thus, chemical insecticide use contributes not only to the mounting costs and resources necessary to offset the effects of the disease but also to the soil pollution. Natural protection against insects allows the plants to protect themselves from certain insect pests. This improvement decrease chemical insecticide use and beneficial insects can survive in order to help control other harmful insects. There is also less potential exposure of farmers and groundwater to chemical insecticides and greater compatibility with Integrated Pest Management - a sustainable, ecological approach to pest control drawing on many farming methods, including biological, chemical and mechanical methods. In addition, insect protected crops offer farmers season-long, effective control and ease of use. They also reduce time, effort and resources spent, requiring fewer trips across the field which helps preserve top soil. Herbicides are used in almost all crop fields to control weeds that would otherwise compete with the crops for sunlight and nutrients. Many herbicides can harm the cultivated plant as well as the weeds. Herbicide tolerant plants grow even when an herbicide is applied, so farmers can apply herbicide to weeds without destroying the crop. Scientists are also trying to use genetic engineering in order to obtain many other advantageous features like: Genetic trait that controls the ripening of tomatoes, peppers and tropical fruits. This trait allows time to ship cross long distances and results in tastier foods far from crops' native region. Potatoes and tomatoes developed with higher solids content. This trait offers decreased processing costs because less energy is needed to extract water when producing potato and tomato products. The higher solids content of potatoes holds the potential to bring consumers lower fat French fries. Because oil replaces water during the frying process, potatoes with higher solids content (and less water) absorb less oil. Corn and soybean with increased essential amino acid content. This trait can improve the quality of protein in food products and animal feed made from these crops. Naturally decaffeinated coffee. Corn and peas that retain their natural sweetness. Crops with modified fatty acid content, allowing for the production of more healthful oils Biodegradable plastics developed from soybean polymers